Wednesday 3 December 2014

Autumn Statement 2014: what it means for motorists

A small snippet from George Osborne's 2014 Statement

Petrol price signs on motorways

The Government also revealed that it will press ahead with plans to introduce signs on motorways that display the price of fuel at service stations, in a bid to help competition and lower fuel prices

Trials of the new fuel comparison sites will begin early next year for five service stations on the M5 between Bristol and Exeter. If successful, the plan is to have the signs introduced across the rest of the country by the end of 2015.
Transport Minister Robert Goodwill said: "For too long drivers have been ripped off by petrol prices on motorways. This government wants to support the hardworking people of Britain and build a fairer society."
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What do you think of the plans announced in the autumn statement? Will they be enough to get your vote in the 2015 General Election? Let us know your thought.

Autumn statement: what it means for motorists

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