Wednesday 3 December 2014

What a morning!

I don't know what is is lately, but my morning's seem to be getting worse! Woke up in the middle of the night by my mobile pinging at me....turned out to be someone buying Snow Foam at 02:35am! The cat then decides it would attack my toes sticking out the end of the bed at 03:00am, and then at 06:00am my alarm went off on my phone and it vibrated off the end of my side table knocking off a glass of water!!

Following this, on the way to work, sat in traffic (because it would be too easy to actually be moving) I was passed by some joggers, which instanteously reminded me that I had forgotton my running kit for work, which then subsequently alerted me to the lack of food I would experience all day as that was still sitting in the fridge! and I've not even started work yet!!

Do you have days like these? 

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